Removal of macro-waste

Macro-waste remediation


Plastic pollution is everywhere, and is constantly increasing in the four corners of the globe. Faced with this problem of general interest, initiatives to clean up macro-waste are multiplying and THOMSEA is actively involved in this fight.

The THOMSEA trawl, coupled with the know-how of the fishermen, is the ultimate weapon against this environmental disaster. It adapts very well to the collection of various floating macro-waste, changing only the mesh size of the net. The versatility and efficiency of its trawls have been proven in several partnerships.

With Waste Free Oceans, a worldwide association for the collection and processing of plastic waste, THOMSEA has already equipped many European countries. THOMSEA also provides pollution clean-up training for local seafarers.

In some African countries, trawls also have a social role to play. They help fishermen to diversify their profession by developing a new economy around the collection of this waste.
Thanks to competent partners in the recovery of this waste, they can make a profit from its resale.
The fishermen benefit, as does nature.

Collecting, recycling, transforming: an essential cycle nowadays.
In order to guarantee the sustainability of our flora and fauna, THOMSEA is committed to this worldwide mission every day. 

Macro-waste remediation | Thomsea, the world leader in remediation Macro-waste remediation | Thomsea, the world leader in remediation

With a flotilla on each of the three sea fronts, France is the pilot country, showing the way to protecting Europe's coasts.

THOMSEA is committed to protecting the environment every day, everywhere in the world. The company is only involved in projects that will have a positive and lasting impact on our environment.